Your Magenta Monday Magic.

In this insight, we are going to turn our attention to something really important – our values.
Why? Because you can’t really consider what it means to live with intention without first considering what’s most important to you.
Living with intention is all about choosing what you want more of in your life and taking action to get there. And one way to determine what you want more of is to think about what really matters to you.
Though you may not talk (or think) much about your values, they are always there, helping to define who you are and what you stand for. They guide how you raise your family, who you hang out with, what food you eat, where you shop, and the partner and friends you pick. They influence your faith, your beliefs, and your politics as well.
Defining your list of values isn’t something you complete and check off your to-do list. Rather, your values are something that you continuously strive to achieve, and doing so helps to keep you on track in life. You can think of your values kind of like railings on the bridge of your life –
living according to your values is what will keep you from veering too far off the path you want to take in life. 🚦
Living in alignment with your values is key to creating a life you love.
What happens when you’re out of alignment with your values? Well, you may notice that something is ‘off’ but be uncertain about exactly what it is. This happened to me not too long ago. I walked into my closet, and I just felt icky. I felt like I was drowning in crap! 😧
When I paused and took the time to look around, I realized that not only did I have a lot of things I no longer wore, but many of the items in my closet came from stores and manufacturers that didn’t align with my current values of sustainability and empowerment.
So I did a massive purge! I went through every piece of clothing in my closet – if I hadn’t worn something during the past year, into a pile it went. As I tried things on, and watched my discard pile grow, I started thinking about what I wanted to do with it. Typically I donate excess clothing to the Salvation Army or to Goodwill, but any items they can’t sell are either sent to a Third World country or dumped in a landfill – which certainly isn’t in alignment with my values.
So I got curious and found a couple of alternative options – Thredup and Fordays. The former is an online consignment shop for saleable clothing that’s in good condition. If they can’t sell something after a certain amount of time, they either recycle or donate it, and if it does sell, I make a little bit of money. The other is for items which are not saleable, like older clothing or worn-out workout wear for example. Anything they can’t donate goes to upcyclers they’ve partnered with – businesses who use clothing scraps for other purposes – and they claim to find sustainable options for 95% of the items they get, which is far better than most similar providers.
Left with space in my wardrobe, I started filling in the gaps with items from manufacturers and merchants that aligned with my values – businesses that are environmentally sustainable, or that empower women or other minority populations.
An important caveat: If you find yourself wanting to make changes to align with your values, consider what is reasonable for you. Is it reasonable for me to replace every item in my closet all at once? No. But it is reasonable to replace a current T-shirt with one that is sustainably produced when my old one wears out. Similarly, is it reasonable to go 100% plastic-free in just one week? No. But you can start by replacing your Ziploc baggies with silicone versions instead.
Once you initiate the change, look at it as a process to do all you can over time.
Once my multi-month refresh was complete, it felt really great to walk into my closet. It felt even better when I wore my new items! Paying attention to my values – and intentionally taking action to live in alignment with them – made me feel empowered. It was also incredibly satisfying to know that even through a routine act like cleaning out my closet, I can make a difference in the world. 😊
Monday Mindshift
It’s the 1° shift that makes the biggest difference over time.
We move through so many of our daily tasks on autopilot – giving little thought to the food we buy, where we choose to shop, and who we hang out with. These choices can be incredibly powerful if we simply pause to consider whether what we’re doing contributes to creating a life we love.
Now it’s your turn. What do you value?
If the question feels overwhelming, no worries! I’ve attached a simple exercise that will help you zero in on your values. I’m not saying it will be easy – you’ll have to make some pretty hard choices – but doing so will get you closer to living a life you love. And as an added bonus, it will also get you started on formulating your intention for 2024.
I recommend setting aside at least 30 minutes to work through this exercise. And don’t worry if you don’t finish it all in one sitting. Take the time you need to go through the steps. ⏲️
Once you’ve completed them, think about the words you selected and reflect on how they sit with you. Trust me – taking your time with this will be beneficial in the long run!

Living BRIGHTer is...
B - Be Brave
R - Cultivate Relationships
I - Live with Intention
G - Practice Gratitude
H - Prioritize Health
T - Live your Truth
What is Magenta?
The color magenta is one of universal harmony and emotional balance. It is spiritual yet practical, encouraging common sense and a balanced outlook on life. Magenta helps to create harmony and balance in every aspect of life; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
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